Movie Quote from Katherine Hepburn in "On Golden Pond"

by Heather
(Topeka, Kansas, USA)

Picture of Katherine Hepburn and Henry Fonda

Picture of Katherine Hepburn and Henry Fonda

A favorite movie quote of mine is from "On Golden Pond" written by Ernest Thompson. It is spoken by Katherine Hepburn to Henry Fonda.

In the movie, Fonda is an elderly man suffering from memory loss and has gotten lost in the woods. Hepburn, his longtime wife, finds him in distress and as a way of reassuring him tells him, "You're my knight in shining armor".

It stayed in my mind because it was the perfect thing to say at that time. The quote reflected the long time love between Fonda and Hepburn and was her way of saying he still was an essential part of her life.

My parents were married for a long time, also. My dad suffered a stroke at the age of 75 in 1993. My mom took care of him until he died three years later. I saw my dad's diminishing capacities like the man in the movie and my mother's care of him.

It is nice to see people married for a long time and the love between them. I don't know if that type of marriage and love is possible today but it is inspiring to see it.

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Dec 13, 2007
A powerful and important quote.
by: Joe Waters - webmaster

Thanks for this great movie quote Heather.

As people get older, I think it's important for them to be told things like this. We've all seen elderly folks that don't get much attention or love from those around them. It's sad, but true.

Simple little words, like the ones in this quote, can have such a huge impact on their lives...especially as they get older and begin to have health issues. Any words of inspiration will do wonders for their outlook on life.

This is a powerful movie quote, thanks again.

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