by Susan
(Ontario, Canada)
Picture of a Biblical Cross
"In God We Trust"
I have learned through the years that we are not the ones who have the real control over our lives. No matter what we do, we always turn to God when we are at our deepest despair or our happiest moments.
My favorite thought is not to try to handle things by yourself because you will not make it. We have to accept what God hands us and pick up our pieces, put our faith in Him and keep going. It has taken me through things that I thought I could not handle.
I was with my father-in-law when he passed away. That was the worst feeling in the world because I could do nothing to stop it. My husband could manage to test my faith quite often. He was ill a lot during his later years and in the hospital quite a bit. Every time I took him in, I would just pray for help to handle whatever was going to come at me.
And then came the time for me to deal with my own illness. Cancer. Whatever is coming at me now I really need strength and He was with me. When my husband passed away, I asked for the strength to keep going. I am still going and I am sure
I will have many more challenges ahead of me. I will always put my faith in God and let Him lead me through.